
The Top 10 Best Courses to Study in Nigeria for a Successful Career

As a Nigerian student, choosing the right course of study is one of the most important decisions you will make in your academic life. The course of study you choose will determine your career path, earning potential, and overall success in life. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which course is best for you. In this article, I will be discussing the top 10 best courses to study in Nigeria for a successful career.

Importance of Choosing the Right Course of Study

Choosing the right course of study is crucial for a successful career. The course you choose will determine the skills you acquire, the job opportunities available to you, and your earning potential. It is important to choose a course that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals.

Studying a course that you have no interest in or passion for can lead to a lack of motivation and poor academic performance. On the other hand, studying a course that you are passionate about can lead to excellent academic performance and job satisfaction.

Top 10 Best Courses to Study in Nigeria

Best Courses to Study in Nigeria for Jobs

  1. Medicine: Medicine is one of the most lucrative courses to study in Nigeria. With a degree in medicine, you can work in hospitals, clinics, and other health-related organizations. The demand for healthcare professionals in Nigeria is high, making it a great career choice.
  2. Law: Law is another lucrative course of study in Nigeria. With a degree in law, you can work as a lawyer, legal advisor, or in other related fields. The demand for legal professionals in Nigeria is high, making it a great career choice.
  3. Engineering: Engineering is a highly sought-after course of study in Nigeria. With a degree in engineering, you can work in various industries such as oil and gas, construction, and manufacturing. The demand for engineers in Nigeria is high, making it a great career choice.

Best Science Courses to Study in Nigeria

  1. Computer Science: With the world becoming more digital, computer science is a great course of study in Nigeria. With a degree in computer science, you can work in various industries such as software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
  2. Pharmacy: Pharmacy is another great science course to study in Nigeria. With a degree in pharmacy, you can work in hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies. The demand for pharmacists in Nigeria is high, making it a great career choice.
  3. Biochemistry: Biochemistry is a great course of study for those interested in the medical field. With a degree in biochemistry, you can work in medical research, pharmaceuticals, and other related fields.

Best Art Courses to Study in Nigeria

  1. Mass Communication: Mass communication is a great course of study for those interested in the media industry. With a degree in mass communication, you can work in various fields such as journalism, advertising, and public relations.
  2. Fine Arts: Fine arts is a great course of study for those interested in the creative arts. With a degree in fine arts, you can work in various fields such as painting, sculpture, and graphic design.
  3. English Language: English language is a great course of study for those interested in the language and literature fields. With a degree in English language, you can work in various fields such as writing, editing, and teaching.

Best Commercial Courses to Study in Nigeria

  1. Accounting: Accounting is a great course of study for those interested in finance and business. With a degree in accounting, you can work in various fields such as accounting firms, banks, and corporations.

Benefits of Studying the Best Courses in Nigeria

Studying the best courses in Nigeria has numerous benefits. Firstly, it increases your chances of getting a job. The demand for professionals in these fields is high, making it easier for graduates to find employment. Secondly, it increases your earning potential. Graduates of these courses tend to earn higher salaries than graduates of other courses. Lastly, it provides job security. The demand for professionals in these fields is unlikely to decrease, ensuring job security for graduates.

How to Choose the Best Course to Study in Nigeria

Choosing the best course to study in Nigeria can be overwhelming. To make the process easier, consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Research the job opportunities available for each course, and assess the demand for professionals in the field. Consider the earning potential and job security of each course. Lastly, consider the reputation of the university you plan to attend for the course of study.

Top Universities in Nigeria for the Best Courses

There are many universities in Nigeria that offer the best courses to study. Some of the top universities include:

  • University of Lagos: Medicine, Law, Engineering, Mass Communication, and English Language
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka: Medicine, Law, Engineering, Computer Science, and Accounting
  • Obafemi Awolowo University: Medicine, Law, Engineering, Computer Science, and Fine Arts
  • Ahmadu Bello University: Medicine, Law, Engineering, Biochemistry, and Accounting

See More Of: Top 10 Best Universities in Nigeria (Comprehensive List)


In conclusion, choosing the right course of study is crucial for a successful career. The top 10 best courses to study in Nigeria for a successful career include medicine, law, engineering, computer science, pharmacy, biochemistry, mass communication, fine arts, English language, and accounting. Studying these courses provides numerous benefits such as job opportunities, high earning potential, and job security. To choose the best course of study, consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Research the job opportunities available and assess the demand for professionals in the field. Lastly, consider the reputation of the university you plan to attend for the course of study.

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