
WHO: The Global Observatory on Health R&D

The Global Observatory on Health R&D is a comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D for human diseases. It builds on existing data/reports from a range of sources, and gathers new information to help monitor health R&D and decision-making related to:

•          health R&D gaps

•          priorities for new investments in health R&D

•          capacity strengthening needs for health R&D.

The Observatory continues to use unexploited data sources and information to enhance knowledge and information sharing. It does so by using a coherent approach for tracking and analyzing health R&D across all health categories and across the whole R&D space.

Data visualizations list

All data visualizations contained within the Observatory are listed below, under monitoring, benchmarking or indicators as appropriate. (These visualizations can also be accessed by clicking on Monitoring, Benchmarking or Indicators on the left-hand menu on any page within the Observatory).

Monitoring R&D activities

Inputs to R&D

Health R&D funding flows by disease

1. Product-related health R&D funding for neglected diseases by disease, year and funding category (G-FINDER)

2. Product-related health R&D funding for neglected diseases by country, funder, and recipient organizations (G-FINDER)

3. Product-related health R&D funding for neglected diseases by source and type of funding (G-FINDER)

Health R&D funding flows by country

4. Gross domestic R&D expenditure on health (health GERD) as a % of total GERD

Grants for health research by major funders

5. Number of grants for health research by funder, type of grant, duration and recipients (World RePORT)

6. Collaborations (between institutions) that resulted from grants for health research (World RePORT)

7. Investments on grants for biomedical research by funder, type of grant, health category and recipient (World RePORT)

Capacity for undertaking health R&D

8. Health researchers (in full-time equivalent), as a proportion of all researchers

9. Worldwide status of higher education institutions offering disciplines related to research for health

Processes for R&D

Pipeline analysis for health products

10. Health products in the pipeline from discovery to market launch for all diseases (Springer Nature)

11. WHO review of antibacterial agents in clinical development for priority drug-resistant pathogens

12. WHO review of antibacterial agents in preclinical development for priority drug-resistant pathogens

13. WHO review of bacterial vaccines in development for priority drug-resistant pathogens

14. WHO review of vector control interventions in the pipeline

Clinical trials registration

15. Clinical trials registration by year and location (WHO ICTRP)

16. Clinical trials registration by location, disease, phase of development, age and sex of trial participants (WHO ICTRP)

Outputs for R&D

Publications arising from health research

17. Trends and volume of peer-reviewed publications for neglected diseases (GoPubMed)

Benchmarking R&D activities

Benchmarking performance across countries

Funding flows for health R&D of all kind

18. Benchmarking gross domestic R&D expenditure on health and medical sciences (health GERD) across countries against global targets

19. Benchmarking official development assistance (ODA) for medical research, by recipient and by donor country

Benchmarking R&D activities against burden of disease

Health R&D investments and publications

20. Investments in R&D for product development, and publications volume, compared to DALYs for neglected diseases

Benchmarking R&D activities against research conduct standards

Standards for clinical trials practice

21. Percent of clinical trials with retrospective registrations (enrollment year precedes registration year (ICTRP-WHO)

Global R&D indicators

SDG indicator 3.b.2

22. Official development assistance (ODA) for medical research and basic health sectors as a % of gross national income (GNI) and as a % of all ODA, by donor country

23. Official development assistance (ODA) for medical research and basic health sectors per capita, by recipient country

SDG indicator 9.5.1

24. Gross domestic R&D expenditure on health (health GERD) as a % of gross domestic product (GDP)

SDG indicator 9.5.2

25. Health researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants by WHO region

26. Health researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants by income group

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